Well, I guess I ought to let those of you who check blogs know that our sweet little boy, Jonathan, was born! :) Yeah, forgot to mention we were pregnant on here but Facebook friends knew and saw my belly expand.
I sort of forgot about/gave up on blogging what with having an hour commute... and then during my pregnant exhaustion and such. But today I was actually my trying to sort pictures by the year they were taken. Josh suggested I check our blog for clues. Oh yeah... that thing. So, I did some quick clicking and realized that I've seriously missed out on major information, like births, for my neglect. So... sorry.
Jonathan got his two month shots today. He was all kinds of happy for the check-up, but obviously didn't so much appreciated the three shots in his legs.
He really is such a calm, sweet kid. I don't think I deserve such a good baby, but I am sure grateful!
Here are his favorite pasttimes:
--waving his arms around
--kicking his legs
--looking at lights (especially when the ceiling fan is - gasp! - moving)
--studying faces
--observing the room with his lips pursed
--eating (well, drinking)
--dirtying diapers (especially if he was juuuust changed)
--napping occasionally
--being burped (Being patted on the back is soooo calming to him. He'll put his head back and enjoy with this sweet look of content on his face.)
--"talking" which I love, because he can make his emotion known.. a happy coo or gurgle or a hey-I'm-bored MEH!
--playing patty-cake
--hitting the toys that hang over him
--listening to music
--snuggling with mom and dad
--taking his bath
--being (gently) bounced
23 hours ago
So this is SO WEIRD! Literally, like 3 hours ago, I was on here and thinking you needed to update your blog cause you hadn't done it in months! Then voila, it's updated! I didn't know my willpower was that impressive!! :) Glad to see you guys doing well!
Nice to see you blogging! Jonathan is so cute! Miles really loved watching the ceiling fans, too.
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